Specific responsibilities of a Coordinator may include, but are not limited to, the following:
Coordinating the course articulation between the two-year and four-year colleges and universities in Illinois as it affects the students transferring from one institution to another.
Processing "Course Articulation Exhibit Forms";
Arranging articulation workshops for faculty, including visits to a campus;
Preparing course equivalency tables for in-house and external uses;
Serving as an advocate for the student who transfers from one institution to another;
Coordinating or overseeing the publications prepared for the transfer student and/or advisors such as the counselor advisement catalogs, curriculum guides, advising handbooks, and general or program brochures;
Coordinating information regarding the transfer process;
Coordinating all communication regarding course and program articulation activities;
Monitoring and reporting on the academic progress and mobility of students;
Representing the institution at meetings of the Transfer Coordinators;
Serving in a liaison role between institutions and ICCB.